1st Cycle Accreditation
- The Institution ensures effective curriculum planning and delivery through a well-planned and documented process including Academic calendar and conduct of continuous internal Assessment
- Curriculum Enrichment
- Feedback
- Admission list indicating the category as published by the HEI and endorsed by the competent authority.
- Student-centric method, such as experimental Learning, participated learning and problem solving methodology
- Teacher profile and Quality
- Internal and external assessment
- Program outcomes (POs) and Course outcomes (COs) for all the programmes offered by the institution are stated and displayed on websites
- Number final year student who appeared for the university examination year wise during last 5 year
- Annual report of controller of Examinations (COE) highlighting the pass percentage of final year
- Research Project
- Innovation
- Seminar/workshop/FDP/Conference Conducted
- Research Paper Publication
- paper 2018-2019
- Paper 2019-2020
- paper 2020-2021
- paper 2021-2022
- paper 2022-2023
- Link to the Journal
- Book Publication
- Extension Activities
- Collaboration (MOU)
- Stock Register
- Purchase Bill
- 4.1.1. additional information
- Library is automated using Integrated Library Management System (ILMS), subscription to e-resources, amount spent on purchase of books, journals and per day usage of library
- Scholarship
- Development and skills enhancement activities are organised for improving students’ capability
- Job Placement
- percentage of student qualifying in state/ national international examination.
- Sport Awardee
- Details of statutory/regulatory committees
- Placement Link DVV
- Alumni
- Additional Information
- 6.1.1
- 6.2.2
- 6.3.1
- 6.3.2(Percentage of teachers provided with financial support to attend conferences/workshops and towards membership fee of professional bodies during the last five years)
- 6.3.3 (Percentage of teaching and non-teaching staff participating in Faculty development Programmes (FDP), Management Development Programmes (MDPs) professional development /administrative training programs during the last five years)
- audit report001
- 6.2.1_relevant_report
- 6.5.2_Document Conference
- DVV Clarification
- Policy Document of institute
- Bill for purchase of equipment for creating the facility001
- Policy doc of the institution for the differently abled
- Geotag photo of the facility with caption
- photo for Ramp and wheel chair signnage board001
- ATR and Achievement report001
- Green Audit Certificate
- Green Audit Report
- Geotag photo with caption and tag
- Beyong the campus initiative
- Gender Equity
- 7.1.1
- Policy document on the green campus/plastic free campus
- Circulars and report of activities for the implementation of the initiatives document
- Bills for the purchase of equipment’s for the facilities created under this metric
- Report on Environmental Promotional activities conducted
- Green Audit Certificate
- Green Audit
- Institutional efforts/initiatives in providing an inclusive environment
- Best practices
- Institution distinctive
- DVV Clarification